Daily Manna_April to June 2022

O ften, we encounter God’s blessings in the form of receiving something – strength, perseverance, wisdom, provision. It almost seems abnormal to get a blessing from God where we do not receive. Today we see Paul’s exposition of Psalm 32:2a where God’s forgiveness of sins is likened to God not reckoning judgement to people for what they deserve. Imagine yourself in a courtroom where instead of being judged and condemned for your sinful acts, you are acquitted and pronounced ‘not guilty’. The reason you are acquitted has nothing to do with anything you have done or any qualities you embody. It is merely because the Judge declares so. This is what Paul is stating here when he says, “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven.” The forgiving of iniquities is entirely God’s prerogative and has nothing to do with us. There is nothing good in us that warrants forgiveness. By not giving us the punishment we truly deserve for our sins, Paul says that this is a blessing that we ought to be happy and thankful for. With this in mind, do we find ourselves thinking we deserve a reward for doing something good for God? Take a look at our sins and realise that even the “smallest sin” demands judgement. A white lie? Prideful thought? Envy at someone who has something you do not have? In our holy God’s eyes, sin whether big or small, calls for the same payment – eternal damnation. We are blessed when God does not give us what we truly deserve. We all deserve death, but the debt of our sin has been paid in full.


Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

Realise how many sins we have been forgiven.


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