Daily Manna_April to June 2022

J ews may have the law and circumcision; Americans may lay claim to a great religious heritage; “good” people may point to their works of charity; but all this makes no essential difference to one’s standing before the righteous and holy God. No wonder there is no difference, when both the one and the other have the guilt of Adam’s transgression imputed to them, and have original corruption inherent in them, from whence proceed very many actual transgressions. If you are asked to try and jump to the moon, some would do no more than a foot from the ground. The world’s champion high jumper will be able to jump about eight feet off the ground. With the use of a pole, the champion pole vaulter could swing himself twenty-odd feet above the ground. But that is all. No one can reach the moon by their own unaided efforts. And the man who jumps twenty feet high is not much nearer the moon than the elderly lady who manages but six inches. Likewise, we may think that we are more righteous than others, but compared to the ultimate standard of God, we fall short, abysmally short, miserably short. All have sinned and are falling short of God’s glory. Knowing we all have missed the standard teaches us that all share the same need for the righteousness only God can give. Thankfully, it is available to all who believe, without distinction being made between the Jew and Gentile.


For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

We are all on equal standing at the foot of the cross. All have sinned and all need the Lord Jesus Christ.


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