Daily Manna_April to June 2022

M any religions are centred on man, focusing on man’s attempts to appease, find approval, gain a right standing, or reach a god by his own efforts. Christianity does not focus on man’s effort but rather it is God making a way for people to have a relationship with Him. The essence of the Christian life is to live one’s life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the honour and glory of God. Our Gospel relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, by grace alone, through faith alone, is the foundation for our faith. This sets the Gospel apart. It sets Christianity apart from other religions because it is the good news of God’s saving grace toward man. As Christians, we have eternal life; we have peace and joy that is beyond anything the world can offer. In the Lord Jesus Christ, we have hope, and we have the strength to face whatever comes our way. Our lives are put into proper perspective. Our priorities, problems, and our outlook totally change when we discover God’s purpose for our lives. We view people, ourselves, life and its circumstances differently, and the things that bother us and consume our thoughts diminish. Christians accept God’s gift of salvation and put their faith in the Lord Jesus; accepting His death on the cross as payment for their sins and His resurrection as proof of His power over death [Ephesians 2:8-9]. A Christian is indeed a child of God, part of God’s family, and one who has been given new life in our Lord Jesus Christ.


What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?

In the visible church, true Christians are invisible.


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