Daily Manna_April to June 2022

Dear Daily Manna readers,

In the second quarter of 2022, we focus on soteriology (the doctrine of salvation). The salvation of souls is stated repeatedly and consistently throughout Holy Scripture as monergistic, meaning that it is the work of God alone. We are blessed recipients of God’s saving grace through the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ. It was Charles Spurgeon who said that we could not add a single stitch to the robe of righteousness that God would give us. So, we rejoice in and live out that work of grace. I would ask you to pray for the writers of Daily Manna as we write. Let me also encourage you to write in with your comments as to how we may improve Daily Manna (email: english@calvarybpc.com). Parents, we want to remind you that DM Junior is also available for your children. A note to new Daily Manna readers In this book, you’ll find a reading plan that will guide you through reading the Bible in two years. You will also find a simple exposition based on the reading of the day. From the day’s Bible passages, Daily Manna highlights Biblical principles which may be applied in the Christian’s daily living. We pray that the Daily Manna readings will make your reading through the Bible a more meaningful experience.

A step-by-step approach: 1. Read the day’s Bible chapters assigned in Daily Manna .

2. Review the Bible chapters to get an overview of what you’ve just read. 3. Read the accompanying devotions in Daily Manna and reflect on the lessons learnt. 4. Pray and ask God to help you apply His Word to your life.

Yours in Christ, Pastor Isaac Ong Calvary B-P Church

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