Daily Manna_April to June 2022

T he first commandment of the Decalogue was the touchstone of every Jew. Encapsulated in the Shema [Deuteronomy 6:4-9], it became the Jewish confession of faith recited twice daily by the devout and affirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ as the first and greatest commandment [Matthew 22:36-38]. Banished from the promised land by the Assyrians and Babylonians for their departure from God in idolatry, they were cured of this problem after their return from Babylonian captivity, or at least ostensibly so. The Jews abhorred the idols of pagan worship; what then was this indictment by Paul? They did not bow to idols outwardly, but inwardly their hearts were cold and indifferent toward God – His Son, His name, holiness, Word, His messengers. The Jews treated with disdain God’s sanctity and profaned (made common) His sacred things. Worship had become a formality and ritualism. They took advantage of the Temple worship system to enrich themselves. We also are prone to this charge. We rob God of His due. We supplant His place in our heart with the trophies of society, and the pursuit and affection of earthly things. We profess faith in Him but profane His Name and character by trusting in material riches and possessions, and withholding fromHim what is due – our wholehearted devotion and love. Beware lest we are so enamoured to the spirit of the world that we long for its approval and acceptance. Doing so is spiritual idolatry.


Thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?

These Jews have a form of godliness but without power. Is 2 Timothy 3:5 a description of your condition?


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